"Seversky Donets - Eyes of Youth" - 2011
Friday, 07 October 2011
September 16, 2011 in Conference Room Seversk-Donets basin management of water resources were sizing up the competition of children's creativity, "Seversky Donets - Eyes of Youth" - 2011.
This competition is held for the 5th time, his start has been made in 2007 with the implementation of Phase 2 of the European project TACIS in the basin of the Seversky Donets.
Organizers of the annual competition - the Seversky Donets Basin, water resources, and governmental organization "Seversky Donets - Renaissance" with the support of the Department of Family, Youth and sports Slavic city council.

Results for competition featured more than 150 papers in the categories:
- "Seversky Donets and man - harmony or conflict" - original works (poems, essays, wall newspapers);
- "My Donets" - photography;
- "Nature and Imagination" - crafts made of natural materials and their applications;
- "Seversky Donets - nature and man" - drawing;
- Research work.
Bid Evaluation Committee reviewed the work of the art contest participants who cover issues related to the environment, as well as gentle and touching show the ratio of youth to water resources of our land.