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Home arrow Publication arrow Land Reclamation and Water Sector: Challenges and Solutions. Proceedings of International applied research conference (Kostyakov readings), 29-30 March 2016
Land Reclamation and Water Sector: Challenges and Solutions. Proceedings of International applied research conference (Kostyakov readings), 29-30 March 2016 PDF Print E-mail
Written by Iskander Beglov   
Tuesday, 20 December 2016
Land Reclamation and Water Sector: Challenges and Solutions. Proceedings of International research conference. Volume I – M.: VNIIA Publishers, 2016 - pp. 452

ISBN 978-5-9238-0213-9

The Proceedings contain materials of the International applied research conference dedicated to the memory of the founder of land reclamation science – Alexey Kostyakov. They address a number of topics such as the current strategy of land reclamation development, water for agroindustry, hydraulic construction and infrastructure, and modern land reclamation technology. Bulk of materials discusses such issues as environmental feasibility study of integrated reclamation efforts in Russia and CIS, use of reclaimed land in agriculture, etc. 

Land Reclamation and Water Sector: Challenges and Solutions. Proceedings of International research conference. Volume II. – M.: VNIIA Publishers, 2016. – pp.336

Volume II of the Proceedings of the International applied research conference dedicated to the memory of the founder of land reclamation science – Alexey Kostyakov – contains papers on technology and technique of reclamation mechanization, issues of water and land use and protection, economy of water sector, management of water infrastructure, and application of information technology in land reclamation. 

Volume I (in Russian) (pdf, 10,2 MB)

Volume II (in Russian) (pdf, 10,7 MB)

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