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Home arrow Papers arrow Malysheva A.V., Kozina L.N. - The Main Branches of Rational use of Water
Malysheva A.V., Kozina L.N. - The Main Branches of Rational use of Water PDF Print E-mail
Written by Erkin Turdibaev   
Tuesday, 22 November 2016
The article is devoted to the identification of the basic aspects of rational use of water resources in the Russian Federation and Samara region. Efficient use of water efficient use of water resources, ensuring the conservation and protection of water bodies from negative and excessive anthropogenic impact and ensuring the population and sectors of the economy water resources of adequate quality and quantity, which is able to guarantee not only satisfaction, but also the development of industry, energy, water, transport and agriculture at a pace that is necessary for sustainable socio-economic development of the Russian Federation as a whole.

The presence of a sufficiently large number of problems inherent in the use of Russia suggests that the process of water use in the country is not rational. The analysis framework of sustainable water management; examines the main economic instruments affecting water use in Russia, made an overview of the structure of water resources management in the Samara region. At present, it is necessary to ensure rational use of natural resources, their protection from pollution and degradation, and also skillfully to restore them, to multiply and to control for the good of human society.

The urgency of the problem of water management is determined by the deplorable state of the industry, and repeated attempts to solve individual problems did not change the overall situation. Water as a control object is a complex phenomenon and requires a special approach for the formation of the governing bodies, with a clear division of spheres of influence and responsibility. The main drawback of the existing management system is its excessive centralization.

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Source: http://cyberleninka.ru/
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