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Home arrow Papers arrow Zanosova V.I., Brykina I.G., Pushkareva T.I. - Main Principles of Rational use of Water-resource Potential in Hydromelioration
Zanosova V.I., Brykina I.G., Pushkareva T.I. - Main Principles of Rational use of Water-resource Potential in Hydromelioration PDF Print E-mail
Written by Erkin Turdibaev   
Thursday, 29 September 2016
The purpose of researches is studying of resource potential of underground waters, search and a scientific substantiation of methods of increase of efficiency of its use. The primary goal of researches - the quantitative and qualitative analysis of a condition of water sources and volumes of water taken away from them on an irrigation of farmlands. Application as the basic method of research of the geosystem approach allows to accept the underground waters which are a part of a landscape as object of studying. Results of researches. According to physiographic division into districts the irrigated lands of territory are located mainly in arid-steppe zone area of dark-chestnut and chestnut soils within the Kulundinsky province, southern and ordinary chernozem soils of the South Prialejsky province and in forest-steppe zone area of leached and ordinary chernozem soils of the Verhne-Obsky province.

Total prognostic operational resources of underground waters within the Kulundinsky province make the general more than 2341 thousand m3/days, thus on a share of fresh waters it is necessary 2195 thousand m3/days (94 %). On an irrigation of the lands it is used no more than 10 %. Water extraction here is necessary for beginning from top water-bearing horizons that at irrigation not to cause lifting of level of subsoil waters. Prognostic operational resources of underground waters within Verhne-Obsky, South Prialejsky and Prealtay provinces are estimated in 4182 thousand m3/days, thus on a share of fresh waters it is necessary 1469 thousand m3/days (54 %). The expense of underground waters for irrigation and water supply needs the lands does not exceed 4% from prognostic resources. Within investigated territory there are considerable resources of the saltish waters which use for irrigation is not recommended. Nevertheless operating experience studying of brackish waters in other regions represents huge scientific and practical interest.

Within foothill provinces prognostic operational resources of underground waters make 2860 thousand m3/days, and here are extended only fresh waters. However use of underground waters for irrigation is not expedient in connection with sufficient security superficial waters. Conclusion. The carried out analysis of resource potential of underground waters shows, that hydro-geological conditions of a flat part of region are characterized by a considerable variety. Studying of these conditions at designing new and reconstruction of operating ameliorative systems is necessary because hydro-geological conditions along with soil-meliorative define the basic scheme and land reclamation methods.

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Source: http://cyberleninka.ru/
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