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Home arrow Papers arrow Paromov V.V., Shantykova L.N., Petrov A.I. - To the Question of the Estimation of Water Resources of Little-studied Rivers of Altay-Sayansk Mountain Ecosystem
Paromov V.V., Shantykova L.N., Petrov A.I. - To the Question of the Estimation of Water Resources of Little-studied Rivers of Altay-Sayansk Mountain Ecosystem PDF Print E-mail
Written by Erkin Turdibaev   
Friday, 15 July 2016
The way of an estimation of norm of an annual drain of uniform natural system on the basis of use of dependence of a drain from average height of a reservoir is offered. Statistical criteria of a choice of a kind of functions of regress, an estimation of the received equations on a dependent and independent material are presented. Taking into account local high-rise dependences, degrees of synchronism of fluctuations of a drain and a relief are allocated three areas. Recommendations about carrying out of their borders are given. The received equations of regress and the allocated areas are recommended for calculation of a flow of little-studied rivers Altay-Sayansk of a range.

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Source: http://cyberleninka.ru/
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