Paromov V.V., Shantykova L.N., Petrov A.I. - To the Question of the Estimation of Water Resources of Little-studied Rivers of Altay-Sayansk Mountain Ecosystem |
Written by Erkin Turdibaev
Friday, 15 July 2016 |
The way of an estimation of norm of an annual drain of uniform natural system on the basis of use of dependence of a drain from average height of a reservoir is offered. Statistical criteria of a choice of a kind of functions of regress, an estimation of the received equations on a dependent and independent material are presented. Taking into account local high-rise dependences, degrees of synchronism of fluctuations of a drain and a relief are allocated three areas. Recommendations about carrying out of their borders are given. The received equations of regress and the allocated areas are recommended for calculation of a flow of little-studied rivers Altay-Sayansk of a range.
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