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Home arrow Papers arrow Veshkurtseva T.M. - Impact of Human Activity on the Ishim River Bed Evolution
Veshkurtseva T.M. - Impact of Human Activity on the Ishim River Bed Evolution PDF Print E-mail
Written by Erkin Turdibaev   
Tuesday, 28 June 2016
The article presents an analysis of cartographic materials and field work. The study has been conducted for 150 years. Significant changes of the morphometric characteristics of the river channel have been recorded: the width of the channel has changed by 10-40 m, a number of ancons have gemmated, dead arms of the river have changed its morphometry and habitus. During the field work multiple areas of the river channel overgrowing, upsilting and active gullying were identified. The field reconnaissance survey and analysis of indirect indicators revealed the two main reasons for the development of these processes.

The first reason is natural it is the formation of landslips on the river banks, which are sandy, weakly reinforced by vegetation, and thus easily erodible. The second reason is anthropogenic it is human activity carried out in the river channel (construction of dams, river crossings), resulting in recession of the river low stages because of the regulated run-off, and on the water-shed area facilitating the flow of pollutants.

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Source: http://cyberleninka.ru/
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