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Collection of scientific papers

EECCA NWO's Collection of scientific papers

Home arrow Publication arrow TAA Proceedings: Collection of papers. Issue 286
TAA Proceedings: Collection of papers. Issue 286 PDF Print E-mail
Written by Iskander Beglov   
Tuesday, 21 June 2016

This collection includes papers of scholars from the Russian State Agrarian University and other higher educational and research institutions contributed at the International Scientific Conference dedicated to 150th Anniversary of Academician V.R.Williams. The papers address a range of topical issues in various fields, especially in crop production and meadow cultivation, farming and agrometeorology, storage and processing of crop and livestock produce, biological foundations of livestock farming, intensive livestock farming technology, fruit growing, landscaping, and softscape.     

The collection of papers is intended for Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students, postgraduates, university professors, researchers, and agriculture experts. 

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