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Home arrow Papers arrow Rotanova I.N., Veduhina V.G., Lovtskaya O.V., Kurepina N.YU. - Geoinformation Systems for Solving the Problems of Water-ecological Safety (the Ob'-Irtysh Basin as a Case Study)
Rotanova I.N., Veduhina V.G., Lovtskaya O.V., Kurepina N.YU. - Geoinformation Systems for Solving the Problems of Water-ecological Safety (the Ob'-Irtysh Basin as a Case Study) PDF Print E-mail
Written by Erkin Turdibaev   
Tuesday, 24 May 2016
GIS application enables to solve the tasks related to forming the geographical base of the information system for a large river basin as well as processing domains' data, often interdisciplinary ones that is topical for solving the problems of water-ecological safety. The paper presents the experience gained in the construction of two-level GIS for the Ob'-Irtysh basin to solve a set of information-reference and analytical evaluation tasks related to water-ecological safety, conditions of water formation, physical and chemical characteristics of runoff, runoff analysis (freezing, drying up, bogging), assessment of surface water quality and suitability for drinking supply, characteristics of sources and level of water pollution, the river basin zoning by the level of flood threat and forecast of water content in water objects.

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Source: http://cyberleninka.ru/
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