Water resources of the Vitebsk oblast |
Written by Iskander Beglov
Monday, 21 June 2010 |
The book gives a brief description of the conditions of water resources of the Vitebsk oblast, their quantitative and qualitative characteristics, evaluation of the use, as well as forecast changes in their condition. Certain rivers, lakes and reservoirs are described in more detail. The book, part of a series of publications describing the surface and underground water separate administrative regions of Belarus is richly illustrated with a map the first time and published photographs. It's addressed first of all, to the general reader, yet it also will be interesting to specialists, teachers, graduate students and water and geographical specialties.

For purchase contact the publisher: Ltd "Belsens" Belarus, 220029, Str. Chicherina, 19, office 006 tel / fax: (017) 293 43 78 e-mail:
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Last Updated ( Thursday, 18 November 2010 )