Development of Water Information Network in CIS using as an example and with the involvement of the Information System and Water Portal “CAREWIB” (Progress report for 2008)
Water resources management in trans-boundary river basins involves multifaceted interactions among various stakeholders at all levels of water management hierarchy and requires a shared vision of sustainable water resources management and development in Central Asia. Therefore, since 1991 the newly formed independent states of the Central Asian region have been faced with an acute necessity to develop regional cooperation on water allocation in the Aral Sea basin. Although availability and exchange of information are the key instruments to maintain effective and efficient regional cooperation, limited access to data on water/land resources use and socio-economic situation in the Aral Sea Basin has been an obstacle for making adequate short- and long-term decisions on trans-boundary water resources management and on implementation of relevant policies.
In response to this challenge, an agreement was adopted in 1992 by the five Central Asian governments to establish the Interstate Commission for Water Coordination (ICWC) in charge of the regional water resources management within the Aral Sea basin. The Scientific-Information Centre (SIC ICWC) was subsequently founded as an ICWC executive body to coordinate regional water management cooperation and improve information exchange among the member states. Despite the complexity of the current socio-economic situation in the Central Asian countries, water resources use and management at on-farm, WUA, canal and irrigation system/basin levels are undergoing positive changes, adapting to current developments, and meeting multifaceted challenges of the transition to participative water management and market economy. By enhancing information exchange in the water sector, the CAREWIB Project has undoubtedly contributed to this favorable development.
Based on good will, mutual understanding and support of ICWC members, the CAWater-Info Portal and Information System have been created during the project Phase-1 to offer unique information products that have no analogues in Central Asia. CAREWIB Project, Phase-2 is aimed at further improving information support of the water and environmental sectors in Central Asia as started under Phase-1. The objective of this project is improving main products of CAREWIB project, such as portal and information system through the involvement of Russian-speaking water community in already established and maintained network and the exchange of information and accumulated experience.
Download: Progress report for 2008 (PDF, 297 kB)