Eco-efficient Use of Natural Resources as the Basis for Green Economy - L.V.Shabanova, A.E.Zhusupov |
Written by Джахангир | |
Tuesday, 22 April 2014 | |
Currently Kazakhstan focuses its attention on two priority components as part of transition to green economy, namely:
a) eco-efficient use of water resources and ecosystems; b) low-carbon development and adaptation to climate change.
The article gives an analysis of the current state of the Kazakh nature reserve fund, which is to be a component of the new National Strategy and Action Plan for biodiversity conservation within the framework of the “Green Bridge” Partnership Program. Finally, this should lead to:
• slowed down environmental degradation and discontinued wasteful use of natural resources by replacing unsustainable traditional production and consumption patterns with green economy;
• radically changed state-of-affairs and status of activity undertaken for environmental protection and sustainable development at national, regional, and global levels;
• newly joined efforts of the countries, international and non-governmental organizations, and private sector in order to achieve common goals relevant for both countries and the region and the world community in general.
Such an approach would allow applying the mutually beneficial mechanisms of regional cooperation and trade for more efficient use of water and energy and for transfer of cleaner technologies and investments, with minimal corruption.
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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 22 April 2014 ) |
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