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Achievments and prospects of IWRM principles implementation in Fergana valley PDF Print E-mail
Friday, 23 April 2010

N.N. Mirzaev


SIC ICWC in cooperation with IWMI, with the financial assistance of SDC, has been implementing a unique project IWRM-Fergana Valley since 2001. For the first time for the Central Asian region, all basic IWRM principles are being introduced simultaneously at three pilot main canals of the Fergana Valley: Aravan-Akbura (Kyrgyzstan), Khodja-Bakirgan (Tajikistan), and South-Fergana (Uzbekistan).
The monitoring of project impacts indicates the following achievements: in the main canals zones, the number of conflicts and controversies has sharply been reduced; process of water delivery to end water users has been facilitated; water management quality (stability, evenness, etc.) has enhanced.


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