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Collector-drainage wates in a lower reaches of the river of Amu Darya and a opportunity of their reuse for suppling with water the lakes and arable-haying lands PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 22 April 2010

E.Kurbanbaev, Dr.Sci.Tech., O. Y. Karimova, S. Kurbanbaev

In a lower reaches of the river of Amu Darya there are huge volumes of collector-drainage waters formed of territory of the irrigated grounds of Republic Karakalpakstan and the Khorezm area of Uzbekistan, and also Dashogus area of Turkmenistan (in volume up to 6 sq. km. per one year) which can be used for an irrigation of salt-resistant cultures, and also for suppling with water lakes and arable-haying lands.
Thus it is necessary to control quality of water, to fulfil technique and technology of irrigation, to provide flowage of reservoirs, and also to create conditions for normal work of drainage systems.
In view of intensity of water-economic conditions in a river basin of Amu Darya in a policy of a water management it is necessary to be guided not by increase of volume of collector waters, and by rational usage of river water to achieve their universal reduction.

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