V.S.Kryschenko, O.M.Golozubov, I.A.Sakhabiyev, Yu.A.Litvinov - Application of GIS-Technologies for Monitoring of Lands in Zainsky State Seed Growing Experimental Site in the Republic of Tatarstan |
Written by Джахангир
Tuesday, 07 January 2014 |
Based on soil-agrochemical reports, soil maps and nutrient maps, a GIS-project of soil cover and nutrient maps was completed for the Zainsky State seed growing experimental site in the Republic of Tatarstan. Plotting of approximating interpolation surfaces according to the data for different years and using the geostatistical approach allowed identifying quite clear changes in the content of nutrients over the decade of intensive agricultural uses of land.
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 02 July 2014 )