State Institution «Tajik hydraulic engineering and land reclamation research institute» |
Written by Iskander Beglov
Thursday, 15 April 2010 |
The Tajik branch of the All-Union hydraulic engineering and land reclamation research institute named by A.N.Kostyakov was established in 1978. 
In 1992, this branch was transformed into the institute “TajikNIIGiM”. Later in 1994 the institute started functioning as a research and production association “TajikNIIGiM” and in 2007 it received the status of state institution (SI “TajikNIIGiM”). 
The SI “TajikNIIGiM” consists of • Ghissar research center. • Kolkhozabad research and production polygon. • Kurgan-Tyubeh engineering center. • Sogd base station. The SI “TajikNIIGiM” includes the following divisions in its structure • Division for irrigation technique and technology • Division for land reclamation and STI information • Division for water resources and cadastre • Division for water sector operation and economics. The main lines in research efforts and tasks of the SI “TajikNIIGiM” and its branches are as follows • Making of common water-management policy, taking into account the interests of population and economic sectors in Tajikistan. • Institutional studies of the water sector. • Participation in interstate programs aimed to address water-related and environmental problems in the Aral Sea basin. • Implementation of activities under research programs for water- and energy conservation and reclamative ecology. • Preparation of information packages about technological achievements and best practices in water sector and irrigated agriculture. • Development and application of a system of measures for the improvement and development of new water measuring and monitoring devices. • Development of reference documents on effective water management and sustainable economic development in Tajikistan. • Preparation of high-qualified sector staff through postgraduate courses and doctoral training. • Development and adoption of methods and criteria for hydrogeological and drainage control in irrigated land. • Development of cooperation in area of adoption of water-conservation technologies and facilities for effective operation of irrigation systems and efficient water use. • Creation of the information system, which will help to assess regularly and predict water use efficiency. • Analysis of agricultural water quality. • Improvement of crop irrigation technology. • Development of crop irrigation technology for different irrigation methods (furrow, drip, sprinkling, subsoil irrigation). • Development of Republican water cadastre. • Development and application of water pricing methods. • Creation of regional and national water information systems. Address: Shamsi str., 5/1, Dushanbe, 734 064, Republic of Tajikistan Fax/phone: (992 37) 235 35 23 Phone.: (992 37) 236 59 40 E-mail:
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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 08 August 2018 )