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P.R.Reimov, Ya.G.Khudaiberganov, V.A.Statov, N.K.Mamutov - GIS-technologies in Thematic Mapping for Production of Environmental-Geographical Atlas for South Prearalie PDF Print E-mail
Written by Iskander Beglov   
Monday, 29 July 2013
The scientific basis of environmental-geographical mapping is developed and work on generation of relevant thematic maps is widened in the Republic of Uzbekistan in the recent years. However, one should note that experts still pay poor attention to the general tendencies in developments of this focus area, shortcomings and problems of its implementation in the Republic and in other countries. 
The analysis of environmental content of the whole set of ecologically-oriented map material generated in the last decade, including for South Prearalie area, allowed identifying tendencies in this important focus area of the model thematic mapping: its more active development, response to scientific and practical production proposals through a system of environmental maps and comprehensive map atlases. 

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