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Hydrometeorological Monitoring in Altai-Sayan Ecoregion PDF Print E-mail
Written by Джахангир   
Wednesday, 09 January 2013
Hydrometeorological Monitoring in Altai-Sayan Ecoregion. Technical guide / Toropov P.A., Terentiev B.A.; World Wildlife Fund (WWF). UNDP/GEF/MKI “Conservation of Biodiversity in the Russian Area of Altai-Sayan Ecoregion” – M., 2011. – 132 pp.

The technical guide describes basic rules of standard hydrometeorological observations recommended by the World Meteorological Organization and the Russian Hydromet Service. Particular attention is given to observations in mountains: detailed description of equipment which can be useful for measurements in mountain area; generation of recommendations on how to site meteorological and hydrological observations. In addition, methods of hydrometeorological data pre-processing are considered. 
The technical guide is designed for those who work with conservation areas and for members of research and environmental-geographical expeditions. This guide can be used as a teaching aid for students studying geography, geo-ecology, meteorology, hydrometeorology, and hydrology. 

Source: wwf.ru
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