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Home arrow Papers arrow Shirokova Yu.I., Paluashova G., Morozov A.N. Forecast Calculations of Water-Salt Regime of Irrigated Lands by Using the Sredazgiprovodkhlopok-CNIIKIVR Institute’s Model and Experimental Data for Khorezm Province
Shirokova Yu.I., Paluashova G., Morozov A.N. Forecast Calculations of Water-Salt Regime of Irrigated Lands by Using the Sredazgiprovodkhlopok-CNIIKIVR Institute’s Model and Experimental Data for Khorezm Province PDF Print E-mail
Written by Iskander Beglov   
Monday, 08 October 2012
Based on soil-amelioration characteristics of the two plots in the Khorezm province (from field observations and laboratory studies of the effectiveness of water conservation technology of furrow irrigation: counter-stream and alternate furrow irrigation), basic data were prepared for the model calculating water-salt regime’s parameters.

This model was developed by CNIIKIVR of Sredazgiprovodkhlopok Institute. The forecast of the water-salt regime was made for 5-year period in three options: 1 - actual irrigation regime; 2 - irrigation for keeping critical parameters (maintenance of the total soil water pressure at 4-6 atm.); 3 - keeping of critical parameters under an increase in plot’s drainage degree.  

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