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Mukhamedjanov Sh.Sh., Khaliullina A.R. Innovative Partnership PDF Print E-mail
Written by Iskander Beglov   
Monday, 08 October 2012
The article describes the bare bones of innovative partnership and novel cycle implemented within the framework of the Project “Water Productivity Improvement at Plot Level” (WPI-PL). The Project WPI-PL financed by SDC in Central Asia serves to improve water productivity, crop yields and their stability at plot level through the improvement of on-farm and, respectively, field water management. The project objective is to build capacities of the actors of agricultural innovative system through strategic alliances established for transfer of solid and adapted education ideas on the improvement of water productivity at plot level to farmers. The project established the strategic alliances with national partners from three countries. They will generate, transfer and disseminate agrotechnical knowledge, as well as hydroengineering knowledge and experience gained in IWRM-Fergana and other projects. 

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Last Updated ( Monday, 08 October 2012 )
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