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Mukhamedjanov Sh.Sh., Alikhadjayeva S.S., Sagdullaev R.R. The Role of New Crop Varieties for Water Conservation while Keeping High Production Characteristics under Conditions of Water Shortage PDF Print E-mail
Written by Iskander Beglov   
Monday, 08 October 2012

The modern varieties of cotton in Uzbekistan must be useful on a number of economic indicators, be resistant to abiotic factors of environment - water shortage and soil salinity - and show high productivity under such conditions. Therefore, breeding of cotton varieties with genetic methods by using the world genetic potential of cotton is a strategic solution of water shortage problem. Application of such varieties would contribute to water saving, better water supply and improved natural environment. Several decrees of the Government of Uzbekistan (No. 491 of 25 November 1998 and others) are aimed specifically to address this problem of irrigation water shortage through breeding of resource-saving (and drought tolerant) cotton varieties.

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