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Eurasian-Arctic macro-region: environmental constraints for sustainable development in ХXI century PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 02 July 2012
Kozin V.V.
Dr. of geography sciences, professor of TyumSU (Tyumen)

In the information security of the West Siberian Arctic has involved hundreds of experts academic, university and design organizations. They are, first of all, we should recognize that the conservation of nature and ethnic group in the Arctic are a priority for the international community. Degradation of unique natural complexes will have unpredictable effects on a global scale. While it is too late, should radically change public policy in the Arctic.
The questions gsoinformatsionnogo sustainable development of the Eurasian-Arctic macro.

Strategic projects of water resources in Siberia and the Arctic XXI century: conceptual thinking and the identification of the individual: summary reports of the International Scientific Conference. Volume 1

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