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On the redistribution of freshwater PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 02 July 2012
Bogomyakov G.P.,
honorary citizen of the Tyumen region (Tyumen)

Water on the ground very much, but 97% is concentrated in its seas and oceans. Fresh is only 3% and this would be enough to drink twice as much of the world population, but 90% of fresh water is in polar ice, and 4 million cubic meters. meters have on groundwater, which are difficult to obtain. In order to maintain life on earth are only the surface water, and there are only one-hundredth cent. It is approximately 47 thousand cubic meters. kilometers per year. This water is distributed around the globe is very uneven, so now more than a billion people around the world live in conditions of chronic water shortages.

Strategic projects of water resources in Siberia and the Arctic XXI century: conceptual thinking and the identification of the individual: summary reports of the International Scientific Conference. Volume 1

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