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Thoughts on water PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 02 July 2012
Baryshnikov N.P.,
Deputy Chairman of the Tyumen Regional Duma (Tyumen)

The range of participants, and raised issues have an impact on the activity on this issue in our area, and in Russia as a whole. This case should be continued, I believe we must return to the previously existing practice, when such conferences were held at the initiative of the Tyumen Regional Duma and the Government of the field. Proposed in the strategy of the regional council and the work plan on this issue.
Two. I agree with the text of the resolution. It is necessary to its decision to bring to the leadership of the federal and regional authorities and local authorities and the public. Get answers about the measures taken. This is important in solving water problems for Russia, for our region, the Arctic, Siberia and Central Asia.

Strategic projects of water resources in Siberia and the Arctic XXI century: conceptual thinking and the identification of the individual: summary reports of the International Scientific Conference. Volume 1

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