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Water problems of modern Russia PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 02 July 2012
Polad-Zade P.A.,
Academician of the Russian Academy of Engineering (Moscow)

Dear participants of the conference!

Accidentally or not, but the organizers of the conference of the date it was scheduled for the next day after the world marked the International Day of Water! This is very significant that the international community has come to the need to focus on the fact that water is a huge strategic asset. It is the gift of God, we got nothing, I spent, and it is important now to see how we use it.
It is symptomatic, and, importantly, this conference is held in Tyumen - the place where, and was thirty years ago to start a project carried out feeding of Siberian rivers to Central Asia.

Strategic projects of water resources in Siberia and the Arctic XXI century: conceptual thinking and the identification of the individual: summary reports of the International Scientific Conference. Volume 1

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