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The point of life. Interview with P.A. Polad-zade - with the name of the person associated with the development of land reclamation and water management in the USSR PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 11 June 2012
Stepanova T.G. - Ph.D,

Deputy Director FGBNU CSTI "Meliovodinform"

The fate of this man, like a drop of water, reflected the history of the Soviet Union. Stalin's program of transformation of nature, the great building the 40-50s, the rise and development of land reclamation in the Soviet Union - all this is connected with the name of the President of the "Network of Basin Organizations in Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia" (EECCA), Polad Adzhievich Polad-Zade.

Scientific-practical edition of the "Reclamation: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow" № 2, 2011

Last Updated ( Monday, 11 June 2012 )
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