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Normative and technical support for land reclamation in Russia. Problems and successes PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 05 June 2012
V.N. Shchedrin, Ph.D.,
Bochkarev V. Ph.D., Associate Professor - Deputy Director "RosNIIPM"

The problems of the national system of standardization, assesses the current state of the legal and regulatory framework of land reclamation.
The main results of the Technical Committee for Standardization "Irrigation and drainage equipment and systems" (TC-028), which was established in 2008. The modern approach to standardization is characterized by a shared responsibility of state and manufacturer. The state is responsible for such global security as a category of industrial products, health and living standards, environmental protection, protection of property. The manufacturer, in turn, takes responsibility for the production of competitive products.

Scientific-practical edition of the "Reclamation: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow" № 1, 2011
Last Updated ( Tuesday, 05 June 2012 )
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