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EECCA NWO's Collection of scientific papers

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Monday, 07 May 2012
Land reclamation and environment
Anniversary Collection of scientific works
M. SICA 2004. - 309 p.
UDC 631.6: 627.15

Anniversary Collection of scientific works in two volumes devoted to the 80th anniversary of the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Reclamation after the name of A. N. Kostyakov.
Anniversary collection of scientific papers intended for professionals in the field of agricultural irrigation, water management and environmental protection.

Volume 1. Section 1. Reclamation
Volume 1. Section 2. Reclamation and environment
Volume 2. Section 1. Reclamation of degraded soils
Volume 2. Section 2. Water use and wastewater
Volume 2. Section 3. Water and hydraulics
Volume 2. Section 2. Mechanization of reclamation work

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