Research and Information Center is an analytical and information services in developing the principles and ways of future development, water resources CAR, improve governance and improve the ecological situation in the basin.
SIC ICWC operates with a network of scientific and design organizations of the five Central Asian countries, has national affiliates in the Central Asian republics, which, in turn, organize research and information exchange at national level.
Information is provided in the SIC from around the world, processed, translated and distributed for the information of the water sector of Central Asia.
The structure of SIC ICWC include: • Direction • Division of Regional Water • Department of Foreign Relations • Regional Information Technology Center • Department of Scientific and Technical Information and Publishing • Department of Planning research • Division of design work Branches SIC ICWC: • Kazakh Branch • Kyrgyz branch • Tajik branch
Regional Activity
The primary purpose of SIC ICWC are: Coordination and integration of joint operations in the region; Keeping the members ICWC all the changes occurring in the field of water management in the world; Strengthening the legal framework and improving institutional structures; Strengthening cooperation on the management and use of water resources on the basis of excellence in the world; Initiation and coordination of regional projects; Organization of the Training Center ICWC.
In accordance with the tasks a SIC ICWC with BWO "Amudarya", BWO "Syrdarya" and the Secretariat are organizational and technical work on the preparation of the regular meetings of ICWC. Meetings are held quarterly, alternately chaired by the respective States.
The main issues discussed during the meetings include: the definition of a unified water policy and development of its core areas, taking into account the interests of the population and industries of the States, management of water resources and their protection schemes to increase water supply watersheds and measures for their implementation, approval limits annual water consumption for each of the main water sources, operation of large reservoirs, management of water distribution and its correction in terms of actual water content and the prevailing water conditions.
ICWC also considers environmental programs related to the drying of the Aral Sea and the depletion of water sources, the fixed annual amount of irrigation in river deltas and the Aral Sea and sanitary discharges to rivers and canals.
At meetings to discuss the draft intergovernmental agreements on sharing water resources, the legal framework of water, creating a common information base on water resources management, monitoring of irrigated lands and adjacent areas of general meteorological support, coordination of joint research on scientific and technical support of regional water issues and perform circuit elaborations, etc.
SIC ICWC with representatives of the countries of Central Asia prepared by the Development Plan in the legal agreements between States and the timetable for their implementation. As a result of the conciliation commission consisting of representatives of Central Asian states prepared and submitted to the IFAS draft agreements: "The strengthening of the organizational structure of management, protection and development of transboundary water resources in the Aral Sea Basin; "On the formation and functioning of national and basin databases integrated use and protection of transboundary water resources of the Aral Sea. "On the basic principles of joint management of transboundary waters of the Syrdarya River"; "On the Protection of transboundary waters, the rules of quality control and environmental sustainability in the region."
SIC ICWC IFAS assists in matters of regional integration efforts of various agencies and organizations in addressing the problems of the Aral Sea and its basin.
SIC ICWC with a network of research and design institutes of Ministries of Agriculture of Central Asia coordinates and carries out research work on the Interstate program ICWC. This program is approved ICWC every two or three years, funded by the State Ministries of Agriculture and is aimed at scientific justification for the main components of the policy ICWC development of irrigation, water conservation and conflict management and protection of water resources in the Aral Sea basin.
The results of research work warrants for improving water management practices, and reported at international seminars, published in collections of scientific works by SIC.
International cooperation SIC ICWC initiated the entry of all Central Asian states of the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID), as well as the creation of a separate ICID Working Group on the Aral Sea Basin (ST-ARAL). It was organized in part ICWC ICID Congress at The Hague in 1993 (Giniyatullin, Dukhovny) in Cairo in 1996 (Sarsembekov, Bekbolotov, Ashurov, Deryakuliev, Dzhalalov, Duchovny), in Spain in 1999 (Sarsembekov, Altiyev , Dzhalalov, Duchovny), the work of the 47th Conference of ICID, Oxford, 1996, the 49th Conference of the International Executive Committee of ICID in Indonesia, in 1998, the work of the 50 th conference in Granada, Spain, 1999
Great importance for the enrichment of best practices of decision makers - managers of water management - have their part in study tours to the activities of water management - in the advanced countries of the world. Visits were organized ICWC members and employees of organizations ICWC to familiarize with advanced experience in the following countries: France, in 1994 - funded by the World Bank; Italy and Belgium, in 1995 - funded by the European Union; in the United States, Canada, 1996, 1997, 1998. - Funded by the Canadian International Development Agency, in 2000 - with support from CIDA and USAID; in Spain, in 1998 - funded by the European Union; in Israel, 1995, 1997. - Funded by the Israeli Government and the World Bank; India, 1999 - funded by the Indian government; in Pakistan, 1999 - funded by the Swiss Agency for International Development and Coordination.
Director of SIC ICWC V.A. Dukhovny and his deputy, P.D. Umarov are members of the World Council for water supply and sanitation, and actively participate in its congresses, conferences and events.
SIC ICWC is a member of international organizations: World Council for Water and Sanitation World Water Council International Network of Basin Organizations - INBO
Deputy Director of the SIC ICWC V.I. Sokolov - Member of the International Water Association (IWRA).
Work to maintain constant communication with the embassy of Great Britain, Holland, Israel, India, Indonesia, China, France and the United States and international organizations accredited in the region, as well as the OSCE, on improving water resources management, environmental aspects and other pressing issues in the region.
SIC is working with UNESCO on the development and implementation of the Global Water Vision XXI Century ". With the assistance of the staff of SIC were drafted regional report, "Water and food, Globesight improved model for the analysis of scenarios for the Aral Sea.
Close cooperation with FAO, the World Bank, IPTRID, UNDP, EU, GWP, WWC, UNECE.
Information activities In 1993, the SIC ICWC became part of the World Bank, ICID, UNDP and FAO network of IPTRID (International Program for Technology and Research in Irrigation and drainage), which is based on the nodal points of information: The headquarters of the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID), New Delhi, India; FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy; International Institute for Land Reclamation (ILRI), Wageningen, The Netherlands; International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Colombo, Sri Lanka; Bureau of Reclamation, U.S.; Research Center, CEMAGREF, Montpellier, France; Water Research Center HR Wallingford, Wallingford, England.
In SIC ICWC, to exchange information are also involved: Institute of Water Resources (IWASRI), Lahore, Pakistan; Institute of salinity, Karnal, India; International Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), Thailand; International Center for Water Technology (TECHWARE), Belgium / Italy.
Obtained from all sources of information is processed by qualified experts, annotated and distributed in the countries of Central Asia by periodically published newsletters and anthologies. Further education and training Much attention is paid to the SIC in training. On the basis of experience organizing and conducting in 1997-2000. in conjunction with CIDA, FAO, WMO, MASHAV, ICARDA, UNESCO, IWMI, WARMAP and other organizations, international seminars, SIC ICWC with BVO "Amudarya" and BVO "Syrdarya" initiated the creation of refresher courses for employees of water management in Central Asia.
Decision ICWC in Tashkent created ICWC Training Center for employees of water management in Central Asia sponsored by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and the participation of McGill University and Mount Royal College (Canada).
The goal courses is skills development of higher and middle management, introducing them to new developments in the field of water and land resources management, irrigation and drainage, environmental protection. Along with higher levels of professional knowledge, it promotes cooperation among countries in the use and management of water resources, develop common approaches at the level of experts and decision makers.
The system of training helps to understand the deeper world experience, to identify ways movement "from vision to action", to allocate priorities, raise their work to the level of modern computing, informatics, use of resources of the Internet and globalization of knowledge. Training Center is essentially a conduit all the very best in the field of water management, irrigation and land reclamation in the region.
For more information on the ICWC Training Center can be found at
CONTACT INFORMATION: SIC ICWC Mailing address: The Republic of Uzbekistan, 100187, Tashkent, Karasu-4, 11 Phone: (998 71) 265 92 95, 266 41 96 Fax: (998 71) 265 27 97 E-mail:
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Director: Prof. Dukhovny Victor Abramovich