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Home arrow Papers arrow Methodological aspects of the organization of control of organoleptic quality of the natural and drinking water
Methodological aspects of the organization of control of organoleptic quality of the natural and drinking water PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 21 March 2012
Stolyarova Ye.A., Blagova O.Ye.
MSUE "Mosvodokanal", Moscow, Russia

The main criteria for drinking water quality set out in the middle of the twentieth century are as follows: drinking water should be safe in epidemiological terms, harmless chemical composition and have favorable organoleptic properties. On their basis in different countries are regulations on drinking water quality.

Published in the book of abstracts of the sixth International Congress "Water: Ecology and Technology" AQVATECH-2004.

Source: www.mosvodokanal.ru

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