Software of construction plan of the surface flow velocity FlowMap |
Tuesday, 14 February 2012 | |
Description of program construction plan of the surface flow velocity FlowMap FlowMap program designed to build a plan of surface flow velocities according to the trajectories obtained with the GPS - receiver. To construct a plan of surface velocities in the program loaded the following data (Fig. 1): 1) A set of trajectories files (text file produced by the "launch» GPS - receiver) 2) File water level (in the format DAT (Fig. 2), from two or more files) 3) GRD - File relief (created from a file with extension DAT) (Fig. 3) Contact Information: Address: 141070, Moscow Region., Korolev Str., 4 Tel.: +7 (495) 789-90-19 (multichannel) +7 (495) 505-37-14; 7 (495) 513-24-63, +7 (962) 990-16-92, +7 (962) 990-17-62 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it URL: |
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