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Program for calculating of the hydrometric characteristics HydroGraph PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
HydroGraph program is designed to determine the maximum water levels calculated according to the cross-section profile and the estimated maximum flow of water.

The program calculates the following values:

  •  General and river bed (within the site allocation channel) costs;
  •  Fluvial speed;
  •  Cross-sectional area

General and river bed (within the site allocation channel) costs are calculated by the formula: Q = VS.

Fluvial velocity is given by Chezy.

Chezy coefficient determined by Manning's formula.

The input to the program HydroGraph:

  •  Text file of the soil profile morfostvoru;
  •  Consumption of a given security (calculated according to formulas in accordance with SP 33-101-2003);
  •  The boundaries of homogeneous regions;
  •  The slope of the water surface;
  •  Roughness for each of the homogeneous areas.

Variable parameters:

  •  The slope of the water surface;
  •  Roughness for each of the homogeneous areas.

The input program HydroGraph:

Tabulated data include all the main characteristics of hydrometric (flow, level, cross-sectional area, mean depth, flow velocity) for different levels of gradations in all sections of a given profile. These are defined as for the whole profile and for each homogeneous section in isolation.

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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 14 February 2012 )
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