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Researches of hydraulic transients processes in the closed irrigation system Podymalovo (northern part of Bashkiria) PDF Print E-mail
Friday, 10 February 2012
Researches of hydraulic transients in the closed irrigation system Podymalovo (northern part of Bashkiria)

D.S. Beglyarov, prof. (State University of Environmental Engineering)
I.J. Sakharov, (JSC "Concern Rosenergoatom")
B.I. Derberendiker, (Modern University for the Humanities)

Keywords: the closed irrigating network, pressure head system of water giving, pump station, pump, pressure head pipeline, raining machine, valve for an admission and air jamming, back-pressure valve.

The paper presents results of theoretical studies of transients in pressurized water supply system with a pumping station in the presence of the anti-water hammer.

Full text (pdf, 165 Kb)

Last Updated ( Friday, 10 February 2012 )
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