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Home arrow Information resources arrow Software for the calculation of hydrological characteristics in the area of underwater pipeline crossings GS.Hydrology
Software for the calculation of hydrological characteristics in the area of underwater pipeline crossings GS.Hydrology PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 31 January 2012
GS.Hydrology software product includes an application:

GS.Profile application is designed to perform the work to create the pipeline routes, the longitudinal and transverse profiles of survey, profiles crossing the obstacle.

GS.Hydrology application is designed to calculate the hydrological characteristics in the area of underwater pipeline crossings:

SP 33-101-2003 "Determination of the basic design hydrological characteristics";
VSN 163-83, "Accounting for the deformation of river beds and banks of ponds in the area of ​​underwater crossings of pipelines (oil pipelines)."


Contact Information:

Developer software package Geo.Series - (www.pointcad.ru)
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Tel. / Fax: (495) 781-54-81 (multichannel)
Address: Moscow, Warsaw highway, 36, pp. 9, 1, 3

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