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Home arrow Publication arrow Ya. Ya. Yandyganov, Ye. Ya. Vlasova Natural-resource rent - economic basis of environmental management
Ya. Ya. Yandyganov, Ye. Ya. Vlasova Natural-resource rent - economic basis of environmental management PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 09 January 2012
Natural-resource rent - economic basis of environmental management (monograph) / Ya. Ya. Yandyganov, Ye. Ya. Vlasova, ed. Ya. Ya. Yandyganova,
Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, Ural State Economic University - Yekaterinburg: Ural University State Economic Press, 2011. - 333 p.

Process of formation and use of natural resource rents, the main regularities and features of the transformation of natural resources in the process of nature
are analyzed.

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