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Home arrow Meetings arrow Meeting of the National Programme Council "The Union of reclamation experts and water managers of Russia"
Meeting of the National Programme Council "The Union of reclamation experts and water managers of Russia" PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 13 October 2011
Meeting  of the Council of NP "Union of land reclamation expers and water managers of Russia" was conducted in Moscow, October 4, 2011 in the building VNIIGiM  under the chairmanship of the Council of N. Sukhoi. In attendance were Executive Director N.I. Tupikin, director of  VNIIGiM B.I. Kizyaev, Director of the University of Nature, D.V. Kozlov, President of JSC "Irrigation Office," the president of water and meliorative network of organizations in Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Caucasus P.A. Polad-Zade, "Zarubezhvodstroy" B.M. Chernikin, G.G. Gulyuk, N. Clubs, M.G. Rubin and others participated as a visiting Executive Director of the NBO EECCA V.A. Dukhovny.

The meeting considered a number of questions.
The Draft State Agricultural Development Programme for 2013-2020 years. The participants noted that the program is broadly consistent with the main directions of development of agriculture of the Russian Federation. However, there is very little attention in this program of land reclamation in the Russian Federation. Despite the fact that the expanded program prepared more than $ 3 trillion rubles to support the development and reclamation, the program has allocated a total of 61 billion rubles. Of the 6 million hectares of irrigation in the irrigation network in 1990 remained at the area just over 2 million hectares, and is actually irrigated in 2011, 800 thousand hectares. For comparison, in 12 five-year plan for the Russian Federation in comparable prices, allocated 3.8 billion rubles per year. Taking into account price changes, funding reclamation decreased by 100 times!
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