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Regional Centre of Hydrology (RCH) PDF Print E-mail
Written by Erkin Turdibaev   
Friday, 07 October 2011

Regional Centre of Hydrology (RCH) of the Executive Committee of IFAS was founded in 2002 by the decision of the Board of the International Fund for saving the Aral Sea.

The main purpose of RCH is to improve the system of hydro-meteorological forecasting, environmental monitoring and data exchange between the National Hydromets in the region.

RCH operates in close collaboration with the World Meteorological Organization, the Interstate Council for Hydrometeorology of the CIS and other international organizations.

RCH is currently located in Almaty, Kazakhstan.


The main tasks of RCH:

  • ensuring the practical implementation of decisions of the Council of Heads of States of Central Asia, Board of IFAS on the Aral Sea problems relating to NHMS of the States;
  • ensuring the rapid exchange of hydrological information for the prediction of the river runoff in the Aral Sea;
  • development and improvement of hydrological forecasting; introduction of improved methods of short-and long-term forecasts, observational methods, modern information and communication systems to NHMS of the IFAS States;
  • development and maintenance of a stable system of hydro-meteorological monitoring, strengthening of cooperation between NMHSs;
  • identification of priority areas for cooperation and assistance in carrying out a coherent regional policy Hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring of IFAS;
  • implementation of the capacity-building activities in all NHMS in the restoration and construction of stations and hydroposts, monitoring methods, data analysis and information products;
  • coordination of work in the field of hydrology to meet the needs of governments and various sectors of the economy and information about the current state of water resources and expected changes in hydrological conditions, the reasons for these changes in order to reduce the damage from adverse water conditions;
  • promotion of national research institutes for conducting hydrological studies of a regional nature;
  • promotion national enterprises in the production of hydrological measuring equipment for regional operations. Implementation of activities to create a unified system of metrological control and standardization;
  • assistance in training, providing training and retraining of staff of NMHSs in the experience exchange;
  • strengthening cooperation with international organizations, donor countries, environmental and other funds for the revitalization of the problems of environmental monitoring;
  • maintaining the scientific research and publishing activities.

 The center includes the Board of Trustees, consisting of the Heads of NHMSs, Executive Director, RCH branches in the NHMS countries, the working groups on the project directions.

Last Updated ( Friday, 21 October 2011 )
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