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Irrigation will be uninterrupted PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 08 August 2011
Vladimir Soukup, chief engineer of the project
JSC "Institute" Rostov Vodokanalproekt "(GMR Group), Honorary builder of Russia

Water Resources of Turkmenistan was supplemented unique object. In Lebap country has earned a new Hydraulic Systems - Yylgynagyzskiy main machine channel, which will continuously supply water to 35 thousand hectares of irrigated fields of virgin and Yylgynagyzskiy Akaltynskiy arrays located in the upper levels of the right bank of the river Amu Darya. The basis of machine-channel is the head pumping station capacity of 35 m3/sec., Constructed of "Group GMS", "turnkey".
Last Updated ( Monday, 08 August 2011 )
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