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Programme for the Development of land reclamation in Russia PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 05 July 2011
Speech by Minister of Agriculture of Russia Elena Skrynnik:
Program goals and objectives.
Federal program "Preservation and restoration of soil fertility (2013)", designed to address major national problems:
- Degradation of agricultural lands and prevent their withdrawal from circulation;
-Improving soil fertility, and as a consequence, obtaining high stable yields.
The solution of these problems is achieved by performing a set of measures, including:
- Construction and rehabilitation of drainage and water facilities;
- Conducting agrochemical activities;
- Rehabilitation of soil on the lands contaminated by the Chernobyl accident;
- Conducting activities to ensure trouble-free discharge of flood for hydraulic structures;
- Conducting an agro-forest-phytomeliorative activities;
- Conducting water conservation measures to conserve and restore water resources.

Source: Public corporation "Vodstroy"
Last Updated ( Tuesday, 05 July 2011 )
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