International Conference of the EECCA NWO “Science and Innovations for Water Security” 23-24 September 2019, Yekaterinburg, Russia) |
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Written by Iskander Beglov | |
Friday, 02 August 2019 | |
23 September
Official opening
Welcome speeches:
Moderator: Prof. D.V.Kozlov, EECCA NWO President
![]() 24 September
Moderators: S.D. Belyaev (RosNIIVH), S.A. Bekmaganbetov (EC IFAS)
Moderators: Prof. V.A. Dukhovny (SIC ICWC / Secretariat EECCA NWO), I.O. Nerov (Far East branch of FBGU RosNIIVKH, Russia)
Moderators: Prof. S.R. Ibatullin, Prof. Yu. V. Repin
Closing statements, discussion, and adoption of the EECCA NWO Conference resolution
![]() Resolution EECCA NWO International Conference
“Science and Innovative Technologies for Water Security”
Participants of the Conference of the Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia Network of Water-Management Organizations (EECCA NWO) gathered together in Yekaterinburg on 23-24 September 2019 to address topical matters related to water security and innovation-based water development and to sum up the results of the year and discuss future tasks of the Network.
The participants have presented detailed reports and exchanged opinions in the following key areas:
• Water security of transboundary water bodies in the context of growing water scarcity;
• Innovation-based water sector development strategy;
• New innovative approaches/ideas to efficient and effective water management;
• Role of science and education for ecologically safe environment and in innovative water development.
Based on the results of discussion, the Conference participants believe that it is necessary:
1. To stress that current water security issues with relation to transboundary waters, especially in the context of their growing scarcity, call the scientific community to search for innovative approaches to solve these issues, including the development of new technological solutions and relevant amendments to laws and regulations in the EECCA countries.
2. To elaborate a long-term water sector development strategy, based on IWRM concept, on better governance, on innovation development and the region’s country experience, with account of contemporary challenges.
3. To wider involve science in the development and improvement of the water sector of all EECCA countries,
4. To create integrated information systems to support effective and innovative decisions, based on GIS, remote sensing, databases, and knowledge bases,
5. The role of science and education in the development of the water sector can be increased, first of all, by: improving public curriculum standards; optimizing proportion of lecture, practical and laboratory hours (increase practical work to 30-40%); creating favorable conditions for master and PhD students for their research on the base of water sector's organizations; organizing targeted assessments of training and job needs for the water sector; involving employers in the development and implementation of the public education policies, development and implementation of visiting professorship programs; developing investment projects in the water sector, while taking into account educational aspects in order to increase capacities of young professionals. Establishment of international relevant resource centers at higher educational institutions in CA countries.
6. To focus on achievement of ecologically safe environment and innovation-based development of the water sector by integrating education, science and practices, when developing the initiative on the independent think tank and thinking on subject matter and work directions of the think tank.
7. To pool together efforts of research, water-management and educational institutions for development and application of innovative approaches to effective and efficient water use and to solution of water supply problems, taking into account relevant country experiences.
8. To intensify activity in the area of transboundary water at the regional level based on the strengthening of existing transboundary organizations or international commissions, when they exist, and the support to the creation of new ones, when necessary.
9. Given the current problems of water security (climate change impact, demographic pressure, etc.), to reopen a discussion on a need and applicability in the long-term (2030-2050) of the Chinese experience in inter-basin ‘south-north’ water transfer and proceed to studies of the transfer of Siberian river flow to Central Asia.
10. To facilitate the elaboration of periodically up-dated River Management Plans, based on a common vision of the future negotiated with all categories of interested stakeholders.
11. To deal with an intersectoral approach involving administrations, all categories of water users and the civil society, based on the information systems and to spray information at all levels, on the appropriate supports, to increase the level of mutual knowledge in the basins.
12. To design the right mechanism to favor the sharing of results with all actors.
13. To note with satisfaction effective and fruitful activity of EECCA NWO over more than decade. With the support of the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the Government of the Russian Federation, the Scientific-Information Center of ICWC and the International Network of Basin Organizations, this activity contributed to regular exchange of ideas, information and best practices in various water-related aspects and maintained professional unity and mutual understanding between experts and countries in the region
The following can be highlighted in the Network’s activity 2018-2019:
• Organization of the conference for water-management organizations in the EECCA countries - “Water for Land Reclamation, Economic Sectors and Natural Environment in the context of Climate Change” (6-7 November 2018, Tashkent, Uzbekistan);
• Participation of EECCA NWO members in the 17th European “EUROPE-INBO” Conference on implementation of European Water Directives (17-20 June 2019, Lahti, Finland);
• Participation of EECCA NWO members in the 3rd World Irrigation Forum and the 70th meeting of the International Executive Council of the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage (ICID) (1-7 September 2019, Bali, Indonesia);
• Participation of EECCA NWO members in the International Conference on Water Security: New Technologies, Strategies, Policies and Institutions organized by Center for Water Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences and American Water Resources Association (16-18 September 2019, Beijing, China);
• Production of the Network’s information and scientific publications, including EECCA NWO collections of scientific papers “Water for Land Reclamation, Economic Sectors and Natural Environment in the context of Climate Change” (volumes 1 and 2) and “Science and Innovations for Water Security”;
• Publication of “Selected treaties on transboundary waters signed by states in Europe and Asia (1992-2019)”;
• Preparation and publication of 2018 Water Yearbook “Water in Central Asia and around the Globe”, which covered key water-related events and developments in 2018;
• Preparation and publication of weekly digest “Water economy, irrigation and ecology in Central Asia”, which gives regional highlights in water economy, land reclamation, ecology and energy;
• Further development of the Central Asian knowledge portal - CAWater-Info ( – as a component of the system of unified tools for IWRM, adapted to specifics of water management in river basins with different degrees of water stress in arid and semi-arid zones of EECCA countries;
• Further development of the e-Atlas of water-management and environmental organizations in EECCA countries.
14. EECCA NWO members plan to take part in the following events:
• 11th World General Assembly of INBO and Marrakech International Summit on Water Security: tapping the benefits of innovative and participative basin management (30 September – 3 October 2019, Marrakech, Morocco)
• International Applied Science Conference “Development of agricultural reclamation and water management system on the base of digital technologies” (23-24 October 2019, Moscow, Russia),
• Next Europe INBO annual meeting in Malta in spring 2020,
• Next World Water Forum to be held in Dakar Senegal in 2021,
15. To strengthen efforts of the Network in the following key areas:
• further development of information space on water management, land reclamation, and nature conservation, including exchange of best practices, experience and knowledge in the area of management;
• organization of training workshops, study-tours and webinars to share experience and information on research, technical and technological base developments and innovation application in water sectors of the EECCA countries, as well as implementation of joint projects;
• development and maintenance of a single integrated water information system among the EECCA countries;
• attraction of basin organizations to the Network.
• Follow-up of the implementation, process and results of the EUWI+ for Eastern Partnership project in 6 countries of Eastern Europe and Caucasus.
16. To appreciate an invaluable contribution of UNECE, the Russian Government, SIC ICWC and the International Network of Basin Organizations to EECCA NWO in part of sharing of knowledge and development of the Knowledge base on water, economy and irrigated agriculture and underline the need for continuation of this work.
17. To hold the next Network’s conference on “Transboundary Cooperation Lessons in EECCA Countries” in 2020 in Tajikistan.
18. To thank:
• UNECE for continued support of the Network, including organization of this Conference;
• Government of the Russian Federation for long-time assistance to the Network’s activity;
• FGBU “Russian Research Institute for Multipurpose Water Use and Protection” for organization of the International Scientific-Practical Symposium and the Exhibition “Clean Water of Russian 2019) and for the provided opportunity to hold the EECCA NWO Conference as part of this forum;
• SIC ICWC for preparation and organization of the Conference.
24 September 2019
Last Updated ( Monday, 30 September 2019 ) |
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