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GWP Caucasus & Central Asia PDF Print E-mail
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Tuesday, 05 May 2009

GWP Caucasus & Central Asia (GWP CACENA)

 Established February 2002


Water situation today

The region can geographically be subdivided into two sub-regions: The Southern Caucasus (three countries – Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia), and Central Asia (five countries – Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan). There is a big differentiation in renewable water resources availability among the countries within each sub-region. The biggest part of the territory is located in the arid and semi-arid climate, and irrigated agriculture accounts for about 85-90 % of total water use. The most common challenging issues for the Caucasian sub-region are the low access to proper drinking water supply and sanitation, water ecosystems degradation, floods and, in some zones, water scarcity. For Central Asia they are increasing water deficit and water ecosystems degradation. Transboundary issues are common for all CACENA countries.

The principal efforts undertaken by national water authorities mostly addressing to implementation of the integrated water resources management (IWRM) principles towards MDGs achievement in all eight countries. These include public participation in decision making, promoting political will to cooperation among sectors and countries, initiating dialogues among all stakeholders and support to practical actions at local levels. Due to active role of the RWP CACENA a close cooperation has been established between water specialists in the region, joint activities have been implemented, as a result of which good relationship has been established between the countries. During the regional meetings within the framework of GWP CACENA, exchange of information and management experience takes place between the principal stakeholders. The GWP CACENA provides favorable conditions for integrating not only into the GWP network activities, but also for involving local partners into activities supported by other international organizations and donors. 

Programs and action 

The mission of GWP CACENA is “to support CACENA countries in the sustainable management of their water resources”. The guiding principles stem from the Dublin and Rio statements, the Millennium Assembly and the World Summit on Sustainable Development, and adapted over time to reflect the international understanding of “equitable and efficient management and sustainable use of water”.

The main objective of the GWP CACENA is to promote the principles of integrated water resources management and to that end:

• Identify critical needs of the region and riparian countries and stimulate Partners to meet such needs within their available human and financial resources; 
• Support action at regional, national, local or river-basin level that will lead to the adoption and implementation of the principles of integrated water resources management; 
• Help match needs to available human and financial resources; 
• Strengthen mechanisms for sharing information and experience. 

Address of the GWP CACENA Secretariat: 
IWMI Central Asia and Caucasus Office
Apt, 123, home 6, Murtazaeva str.,
Tashkent, 100 000,
Republic of Uzbekistan
Telephone: (998 71) 237 04 45
Fax: (998 71) 237 03 17
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it  
Web: www.gwpcacena.net

Last Updated ( Thursday, 16 September 2010 )
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