Water facilities of the East Kazakhstan region |
Written by Iskander Beglov
Wednesday, 09 December 2009 |
The information given to the natural and climatic conditions, the formation and distribution of surface water resources in the basins of the East Kazakhstan region, the technical characteristics of river weirs and reservoirs of republican values, dedicated to the catchments Tarbagatai range, their working conditions and factors affecting their reliability and durability.

The book is intended for hydraulic engineers, managers and employees of agencies operating water systems, researchers and professionals concerned with integrated management of water resources river basin using GIS technologies and capabilities can be used as a reference by students of hydraulic faculties. Authors: Bhajans B.M., Balgerey M.A., Karlykhanov D.C., Ibraev T.T.
For more information: LLP Kazakh Scientific Research Institute for Water Management Republic of Kazakhstan, 080003, Taraz, st. K. Koygeldy. 12 Tel.: 8 (7262) 425540 8 (7262) 426071 (72622) 22750 E-mail:
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Website: www.kaziwr.isd.kz