International forum “Pure water 2009” was held in Moscow in Novemder 24 – 25, 2009 |
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Written by Iskander Beglov | |
Wednesday, 02 December 2009 | |
More than 950 people participated in the Forum. Among them there were representatives of Russian and foreign authorities, ministries, diplomatic missions, international organizations, distinguished scientists, business, and NNOs. Participants of the Forum came from 47 countries all over the world. More than 70 Russian and foreign media gave coverage to the Forum discussions. The President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev and the Prime Minister Vladimir Putin sent their welcome notes to the participants of the International Forum. Resolution
of the Ist International Forum “Pure Water” November 24-25, Moscow The number of the participants of the International Forum “Pure Water” was 950, including the leaders of Russian and foreign authorities, ministries, departments, diplomatic representatives, leading scientists, representatives of United Nations and UNESCO, entrepreneurs, and leaders of non-governmental organizations. The participants of the Forum came from 47 countries of the world. The discussions were covered by more than 70 Russian and foreign broadcasting companies. The participants of the International Forum were welcomed by the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev, and the Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.
In the course of the Forum, at the plenary meetings, thematic sessions, and round tables the most acute and topical issues of the water industry were discussed. The participants of the Forum exchanged their opinions, discussed strategic ways of development, and elaborated recommendations concerning further development of the water sector, and pure water supply for the population. Access to pure water shall become one of the principal elements of global cooperation. As a result of the free exchange of opinion, the issue of pure water supply for the mankind was analyzed from various stand-points, and various proposals were submitted and took into account. During the forum, it was mentioned that the natural freshwater resources are among the most important independent national patrimony, requiring protection and careful usage. The participants of the forum noticed the need for purposeful development of ecological consciousness of the population, as well as educational and public awareness campaigns primarily aimed at young people and children. In this connection, during the first day of the Forum a directly broadcasted all-Russian Lesson of Pure Water was held with participation of children from Moscow, St. Petersburg, and Sochi. Representatives of a number of countries made their reports on experience in implementing national programs and in transboundary water use and protection practices. They pointed to a need for more enhanced international cooperation on these topics. The participants stressed a particular importance of water conservation, rational water use and protection from pollution. Exactly this will shape sustainable and logical development in all countries all over the world and the future of mankind. As a result of the discussion of the wide range of global water industry problems, the Forum participants consider it necessary to make the following recommendations: 1. Assign the International Forum “Pure Water” a status of annual forum. The second forum “Pure Water” should be held in autumn 2010. 2. Representatives of Forum’s participating countries should present their proposals on organization and coordination of international water cooperation. 3. The Government of the Russian Federation should adopt the State Program “Pure Water” in the first quarter 2010. At the stage of adoption and implementation, practical proposals of the Forum participants, as well as international experience in water industry development should be incorporated. Multi-stakeholder cooperation between government agencies, research institutes and business should be ensured during implementation. 4. State commission responsible for implementation of the Federal Program “Pure Water” should be established under the leadership of B.V.Gryzlov. 5. Establish a non-profit partnership “Russian Water Society” to unite all water actors. The major aims of this Society would be as follows: • promote state policy to supply population with safe water and ensure efficient water use; • represent the water interests of the Russian Federation on the international scene; • develop innovative water infrastructure; • coordinate interactions between government agencies, political, scientific, and business circles in fulfilling the set objectives, including through a public-private partnership; 6. The government agencies should: • ensure the development and support of information and education programs for environmental upbringing and awareness raising among population; • pay particular attention to post-treatment of water in social institutions, such as hospitals, schools, kindergartens, etc.; • render every support to young scientists in revealing their capacity and training of water professionals. 7. Form the Russia’s public water supply system, including a system of transboundary water transportation to most arid zones in Russia; create conditions for economic revitalization, demographic growth and environmental rehabilitation in these zones. 8. Establish: • a national system for water quality measurement, with the federal center placed in Moscow; • an innovation center for Russian and foreign water technologies to be placed in St. Petersburg. 9. Support projects of “Vodokanal” aimed at utilizing renewable energy sources, saving energy, and reducing water losses in the water supply and sanitation systems. 10. Create favorable conditions for the development of higher-quality bottled water production. 11. Take measures to improve legislation for water industry development, particularly: • make amendments in the RF’s Water Code regarding enhanced monitoring over the use of water-protection areas; • adopt technical regulations on drinking water safety and on safety of water disposal; • elaborate and adopt a sectoral law on water, which would promote implementing the Russian state water policy (for formation of retail and wholesale water markets, determination of rights and responsibilities of entities, including the public sector, in the water industry). The Forum participants state that proposals developed during the Forum would meet the challenges of the world’s water sector development and would contribute to progress in the global international cooperation. |
Last Updated ( Thursday, 07 October 2010 ) |
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