Water is foundation of life and a prerequisite for economic development in Central Asia and throughout the world. However, a valuable resource in this region, which is characterized as a snow-covered high mountain massifs, and deserts are limited and unevenly distributed. At the same time, agriculture and industry from different countries compete for the use of water resources, which is exacerbated by climate change on the planet. Science, in this case, can contribute by providing information and methods of optimized water resources management. Sustainable water management requires a reliable and valid data. Therefore, you need a single account availability of water resources and water use in Central Asia. Based on this information, we can predict the development scenarios for the future and develop strategies for sustainable management of water resources in the region. However, it must be concerted action by all countries of Central Asia. Scientists from many countries are united by one goal - to understand how processes occur, affecting the water balance, what is the dynamics of interaction between groundwater and surface water. Unite the efforts of scientists and practitioners allow various seminars, symposiums and conferences on water issues. 24 November in Tashkent opened an international symposium "Water in Central Asia" organized by the German Research Center of the Earth together with GFZ Scientific Information Centre of Interstate Coordination Water Commission (SIC). The symposium is organized with financial support from the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany within the project CAWa, which is a part of the Central Asia Water Initiative (also known as the Berlin process).

The symposium gathered scientists and specialists of water experts from Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Switzerland, Germany, Afghanistan, Czech Republic, Russia, the United States. Such a representative forum to discuss current developments in research, new scientific methods and approaches to solving water problems in Central Asia, the regional priorities for research, support for regional cooperation of various scientific institutions in Central Asia and the European Union and many more. The symposium is divided into four sections: - The presence of water in Central Asia: Past, Present, Future; -Water Management in Agriculture: Processes, modeling and implementation; -Remote sensing and information systems for sustainable management of water-land resources; -The dynamics of the cryosphere and its role in the water cycle in Central Asia.

From the first day of the symposium, participants actively discuss its reports, learn new techniques and approaches to solving water problems. But in one united members of the international scientific symposium on "Water in Central Asia" - only through the concerted efforts of all countries of Central Asia will be to optimize the management of water resources and ensure sustainable economic development. The symposium will continue its work until November 26.