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Home arrow News arrow The Bureyskaya hydropower station is aheaded of power generation schedule
The Bureyskaya hydropower station is aheaded of power generation schedule PDF Print E-mail
Tuesday, 23 November 2010

The activities of the branch RusHydro Bureyskaya HPS (hydropower station) are summarizeed for 9 months. During this period the station has developed a 3.9 billion kWh of electricity, which is 28% higher than the planned target and 18% - working out the corresponding period of 2009.
Increased production due to the regimes given by the system administrator taking into account the export component.
Inflow of water in the reservoir Bureiskaya for nine months was at historical averages.
Tax liabilities of the budgets of all levels are satisfied. The total amount of payments for 9 months - about 2,5 billion rubles, that 25% increase over the corresponding period last year. The budget of the Amur region get the most out of these revenues - more than 2,4 billion rubles.
As usual, a lot of attention at the station was paid to ensure reliability and safety. So, in full on time and with good quality program performed repairs of main equipment for the realization of which spent 21 million rubles.


Last Updated ( Tuesday, 23 November 2010 )
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