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Home arrow News arrow In Winnipeg, it is offered to raise water prices
In Winnipeg, it is offered to raise water prices PDF Print E-mail
Written by Iskander Beglov   
Monday, 22 November 2010

Department of water supply and waste disposal of Winnipeg city proposes to increase prices for water and sanitation to 3.2 percent. The receipts money are going to spend on protecting water resources from pollution.

If the offer will be accepted, the inhabitants of the capital of Manitoba, on average will pay an extra $ 26 a year more. On Friday Departmental officials  recommended to increase water tariffs by 5 cents to 1 dollar 34 cents per cubic meter, and 6 cents on the drains to 1 dollar 97 cents per cubic meter.

This offer is slightly higher than the accepted changes in the last year, when accounts were up 2.7 percent. If it will be adopted, the price of water and sanitation will increase from 1 January 2011.

In Friday's statement of city officials said that the peak water consumption in Winnipeg has reached a minimum during the period from 60-ies. And although it is helpful to the environment, but the decrease of  consumption also leads to a decrease in revenues of public utilities. Therefore to maintain the health system will have to increase prices.


Source - CA24.ca

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