Hydroeconomic zoning of the Russian federation: Oka basin district |
Written by Iskander Beglov
Friday, 13 November 2009 |
Hydroeconomic zoning of the Russian federation: Oka basin district – M.: NIA-Priroda, 2008 
The hydroeconomic zoning was done according to the Hydroeconomic zoning procedure for the Russian Federation area (as approved by Order of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources № 111 of 25.04.2007) as a package of actions aimed to divide the hydrographic units (river basins and sub-basins) of the Russian Federation into water-management zones. The procedure sets the primary principles and criteria of hydrographic division into the hydroeconomic zones, the order for identification and description of boundaries of the zones, and the rules for coding (numeration) of the zones.
The hydroeconomic zones are the minimal parts of river basins (minimal accounting unit) used in water-management balances and that are sufficient (from point of non-exhaustive water use and water object protection) for setting of water withdrawal limits, wastewater discharge limits and other parameters of use of water objects or their parts located within concrete hydroeconomic zones. The identification of hydroeconomic zones is based on hydrographic-geographic and economic-geographic approaches to territory zoning.
Hydroeconomic zones and their delimitation on schematic maps are identified on the basis of state topographic maps (scales 1:1000000 and 1:200000) and digital elevation models, using geo-information technologies.
The materials published on hydroeconomic zoning of 20 basin districts include four Annexes to the Rosvodresourse’s Order № 161 of 31 July 2008:
1. Systematized list of hydroeconomic zones (Annex № 1). 2. Description of boundaries of hydroeconomic zones (Annex № 3). 3. List of reference points of hydroeconomic zone boundaries (Annex № 4). 4. Schematic maps with boundaries of hydroeconomic zones and reference points on these boundaries (Annex № 2).
For more details, please, visit: www.priroda.ru