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Home arrow Papers arrow Hydrological mode and flooding of the lower reaches flood-lands of the river Shu
Hydrological mode and flooding of the lower reaches flood-lands of the river Shu PDF Print E-mail
Written by Iskander Beglov   
Friday, 12 November 2010

A. R. Vagapova

Kazakh SIC of Water Resources

The analysis of a hydrological mode of the river Shu in the bot-tom current for the period 1976-2005 is carried out. Correlation commu-nications(connections) of an annual drain between controls of the tempo-rary gauges are established with. Tashutcul, Blagoveshchensk and Ulan-bel, Tashutcul. Dependences of the areas of flooding of deltas Furma-novka, Ulanbel are received, Kammkaly and the item is lower Tasty from volume of a drain in the control of the Furmanovka hydrounit, on the area of flooding volumes of filling of deltas are established. Half-scientists of characteristics of flooding of deltas allow to establish aver-age on the area a layer of flooding of each delta.

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