One of the system of regional cooperation in Central Asia in the field of ecology and sustainable development is International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (IFAS), which was established by Leaders of Central Asian states and include two Commissions: Interstate Commission on Sustainable Development (ICSD) and International Coordination Water Commission (ICWC).
In order to provide realization of operative issues of ICSD in 1995, based of results of international competitive bidding, the Scientific Information Center (SIC ICSD) was established, which was to be located at the National Institute of Deserts, Flora and Fauna of Turkmenistan. The Center includes Headquarter, which is constantly to be placed in Ashkhabad (Turkmenistan), and 4 branches, of three persons each, are located in countries of Central Asia.
SIC is a regional Center, which consolidates information and scientific-technical potential of five Central Asian states. For the solution of problems of the region, SIC involves experts, scientists, NGOs and other organizations. As for today, through the UNDP project, namely “Development of Potential of the Aral Sea Basin”, the potential of SIC has been strengthened by the net of experts on sustainable development.
Goal of SIC – creation of the information system in order to make a final decision on regional and national levels and standartization of collection of socio-economic, scientific-technological and ecological data on sustainable development of the region. An important task of the Center is collection of the information on specific features of current sustainable development of the region and it transformation into the form which is usable for wide analysis and decision-making.
SIC of ISDC was established in Central Asia as regional Center for expert-information support of ISDC activities, and determined as the main executor of the database development, monitoring of the regional ecological projects, formulation of the preliminary Concept, namely, "Convention on Sustainable Development of Countries of the Aral Sea Basin". Besides, on SIC and its branches the following tasks are assigned: the expert-technical support of the Regional Environment Action Plan (REAP), its preparation and introduction.
In June, 2000, at the ISDC Conference in Kokshetau (Kazakhstan), SIC has received a status of Cooperating Center of UNEP/GRID-Arendal and Regional Center on GEO Collaborating.
At a recent 2nd Aarhus Convention regional workshop in Dushanbe (June 2002) CA countries stressed their interest in being seen as a common area. The workshop called upon regional institutions such as CAREC and SIC ISDC to assist in promoting and implementing the Convention in the region. In September, 2001, ISDC has charged SIC, as a member of the working group, with the revision of REAP in a part of the project proposals and the "Central Asia: Review of Progress in Realization of Agenda 21" Report, as well as with the preparation of the Central Asian "Regional Agenda 21" Concept.
In May, 2002, ISDC has assigned on SIC the duties of the Regional Center on the expert-information support of REAP and the sustainable development of Central Asia.
Contact: Address: Turkmenistan, 744 000 Ashgabat, st. Bitarab Turkmenistan 15
Director Esenov Paltamed Essenovich Telephon: (993 12) 39 54 27, (993 12) 39 63 92 Fax: 39-38-56, 35-37-16
Zav. Sekretariatom MKUR Annaev Beki Annaevich Telephon: 39-20-09, 57-08-15
Uch. Sekretar' NIC Mamieva Irina Djumaevna Telephon: 39-05-86 Fax: 39-85-77