The Second Pure Water International Forum - 2010 |
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Written by Iskander Beglov | |
Monday, 01 November 2010 | |
Over 1700 people took part in the Second Pure Water 2010 International Forum, including the heads of Russian and foreign authorities, ministries, departments, diplomatic representatives, leading scientists, representatives of international organizations, entrepreneurs, and leaders of non-governmental organizations. Representatives from 47 countries of the world were among the Forum participants. Over 100 Russian and foreign Media covered the discussions.
In the course of the Forum, at the plenary meetings, thematic sessions, workshops, and round tables, the most topical and acute problems of the water industry were discussed. The Forum participants exchanged their opinions, discussed strategic directions of the activities, and elaborated recommendations on the further water industry development, and pure water supply to the population of Russia. Water was recognized to be the most valuable resource for the further development and future existence of the humankind.
The reports of the foreign representatives, companies, and industrial unions once again proved the need for implementation of the most efficient foreign experience, and organizational and technological achievements of foreign colleagues. At the Forum, several agreements were signed on collaboration between the Russian and foreign industrial unions, which will allow efficient bilateral and international interaction aimed at achievement of the goals stated.
The official part of the Second Pure Water 2010 International Forum has finished in Moscow. The final plenary meeting was leaded by the Deputy Chair of the Federal Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Svetlana Orlova. Within the framework of the round table on bottled water problems and issues, a proposal was expressed to authorize the Russian Water Association Nonprofit Organization to integrate three existing Russian non-profit organizations, manufacturing bottled water. The RWA NPO will represent their interests in the Government of the Russian Federation. The Official Part of the Second Pure Water 2010 International Forum has Finished Within the framework of the round table on bottled water problems and issues, a proposal was expressed to authorize the Russian Water Association Nonprofit Organization to integrate three existing Russian non-profit organizations, manufacturing bottled water. The RWA NPO will represent their interests in the Government of the Russian Federation. The Second Day of the Pure Water Forum: the Main Natural Resource and People's Health The plenary meeting on Pure Water as the Main Natural Resource. Efficient Management. Development Opportunity Assessment was held on Thursday, October 21, within the framework of the Second Pure Water 2010 International Forum in Moscow. The plenary meeting was chaired by the acting First Deputy Major of Moscow in the Moscow Government, head of the Authority for Municipal Facilities of Moscow Petr Biruykov. In his speech, the member of the State Duma Committee for Natural Resources, Environmental Management, and Environment Alexander Ishenko noted that successful settlement of the issues of pure water supply to the population will support reduced mortality, and increased life expectancy. The life expectancy in Russia is at the lowest level for the developed countries, while pure water supply to the population will support reduced mortality, and increased life expectancy, A. Ishenko mentioned. According to him, by now, 12 per cent of the cities, and 68 per cent of other settlements in Russia do not even have centralized water systems. The wear and tear of the treatment facilities of water and waste water treatment plants is about 60—70 per cent, which results in the impossibility of proper waste water treatment, A. Ishenko reported. At the same time, the water and waste water treatment plants have to pay fines for pollution, having no real opportunity to reconstruct their treatment facilities. Pure water supply to the population is a factor of social and economical development of the country, the deputy said. According to the concept of the long-term social and economical development of the RF through 2020, the priority directions in the field of water supply include guaranteed pure water supply to the population and industrial enterprises, and implementation of certain measures aimed at water management optimization, taking into account the climate change, potable and waste water treatment technology improvement, reconstruction, and upgrade of water systems and sewerage facilities. The above tasks will be fulfilled within the framework of the Pure Water Federal Target Program. The goal of the FTP is to provide the population with potable water consistent with all the applicable requirements and standards, A. Ishenko added. In turn, Director General of MGUP Mosvodokanal Stanislav Khramenkov told about the measures required to prevent negative consequences of abnormal heat in the future. It is already necessary to introduce changes to the regulatory documents now, in order to get ready for an abnormally hot summer, S. Khramenkov emphasized. In his opinion, such measures include the standards for air conditioning in buildings, and reduction in working hours. Besides, the head of Mosvodokanal supported the offer to supply water to the peat bogs. They may criticize this idea, but there are powerful water systems for its implementation, including that in the Shatursky district, S. Khramenkov explained. Normally, these water systems can be used for melioration, and potable water supply, and in case of abnormal heat they can be used for fire extinguishing. Otherwise, it will be necessary to call for the Ministry of Defense again to provide water from the Oka River, S. Khramenkov said. At the plenary meeting, Director of the Institute for Water Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences Victor Danilov-Danilyan was also reporting. He said that in the nearest future, water will become the main regulator of technological and industrial processes. Dramatic technological changes are coming, which is determined by the water factor, he noted. Under such conditions, V. Danilov-Danilyan considers in necessary to find rational solution for use of the trans-border, disputable resources, which include about one third of all global water resources. In 2030, water will be lacking in the European part of Russia, thus, it is necessary to switch the reactive strategy to a proactive one, otherwise a deep crisis is inevitable for us, V. Danilov-Danilyan said. According to him, today, the attitude towards water is unfortunately absolutely thriftless in Russia, and the understanding of water is unclear. By now, our water resources are mismanaged, V. Danilov-Danilyan concluded. Within the framework of the Second Pure Water 2010 International Forum on October 21, an agreement was signed on establishment of OAO Mosvodokanal — Degremont Russie. The company is established within the framework of the Pure Water of Moscow Program implementation, and aimed at development, adjustment, and promotion of the cutting-edge foreign technologies in the field of water and waster water facility design on the Russian market. The Third Day of the Forum: Energy Consumption Reduction, and Water Saving The issues of energy and water resource saving shall be settled, taking into account their strong interrelation. This was the opinion expressed on Friday, October 22, by the Deputy Chair of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Svetlana Orlova within the framework of the Pure Water Industry-Level and Regional Projects and Programs round table. «In the future, it is necessary to interconnect the energy efficiency program with the Pure Water program, and this aspect shall be taken into account in the course of the Pure Water introduction to the state level,» S. Orlova noted. She said that the Government of the Russian Federation decided to allocate RUR 7 billion for the energy efficiency program. S. Orlova added that it is already possible to try and interconnect the energy and water efficiency efforts at the regional level. At the same time, the Deputy Chair of the Federation Council emphasized that the Pure Water Federal Target Program is not among the best financially supported ones. The annual amount of funds from the federal budget under the program is no more than RUR 3 billion. «It is no difficulty to implement a program, having lots of money, while it is a real challenge to implement it with scarce funds,» S. Orlova emphasized. In turn, Director of the Utility Department of the ministry for Regional Development of the RF Irina Bulgakova drew attention to the importance to the poor regulatory base for water supply and sewerage. «A proper law would normalize this field, as the Housing Code is obviously not enough here,» she said. A change in law would allow setting water and sewerage system development priorities, as well as the rules of the game for investors, and powers of the local authorities. In his speech, Director General of GUP Vodokanal St. Petersburg Felix Karmazinov also told about water utility and energy efficiency interconnection. «They form an integral whole in St. Petersburg, as one of the main tasks for the country in this field is to switch from water supply and discharge to water engineering networks and sewerage, when one is capable of managing water supply with certain qualities,» F. Karmazinov said.
According to him, such water management system is already operational in one of the districts of St. Petersburg in a test regime, which results in energy consumption reduction by 42 per cent, network damage reduction by 38 per cent, and water loss reduction down to 7 per cent. «Today, the whole St. Petersburg is being switched to this system. By the end of 2011, 40 per cent of the city area will be switched, and the whole city will be switched by 2013,» F. Karmazinov noted. He also mentioned the importance of the environmental awareness of the youth. «It will be impossible to normalize the environment, unless environmental awareness is achieved,» the head of Vodokanal St. Petersburg said. F. Karmazinov reported that such work has been held in St. Petersburg for 8 years already; a children environmental center has been established. «Actually, these are our authorized representatives in every family with children,» F. Karmazinov explained the influence of those children, who were trained in this center, on their parents. Resolution of the Second Pure Water International Forum As a result of the discussion of the wide range of global water industry problems, the Forum participants consider it necessary to make the following recommendations: 1. Preparations for the Third Pure Water international Forum shall be arranged. 2. In 2010, the Government of the Russian Federation shall adopt the Pure Water Federal Target Program, and ensure development of the legal acts and methodological documents required for its implementation. 3.The authorities shall ensure system approach implementation, when developing the legal base for the water industry, including adjustments, coordination, and adoption of the Federal Laws On Water Supply and Discharge, and On Introduction of Changes to Certain Legal Acts due to the Adoption of the Federal Law on Water Supply and Discharge. 4. The federal executive authorities shall ensure implementation of the order of the President of the Russian Federation D.A. Medvedev dated June 07, 2010 on establishment of environmental funds for accumulation and efficient targeted allocation of money meant for treatment facility construction and reconstruction in order to preserve water projects. 5. The «polluter pays» principle shall be implemented in the field of water supply and discharge, which ensure fair allocation of the responsibility for pollutant discharge into the water systems and projects. 6. The institutional foundations of the water industry development shall be established, and well-balanced state and industry-level regulation shall be ensured. 7. The necessity of the following issues shall be recognized: 1) support to the best available Russian technologies for the water industry. 2) establishment and development of federal and regional research and education centers for the water industry 3) establishment of the State Water Register.
8. Water enterprises and water users shall be recommended to implement the best available technologies compliant with the environmental safety and energy efficiency requirements. Unified information data base for innovative technologies and developments in the water industry shall be developed. 9. Measures for conservation and protection shall be developed for the most important water projects, such as the Baikal Lake, Volga-Kama Waterfall, etc. 10. The ways of the state support, and water supply and discharge system development at the small towns of Russia shall be defined. 11. The need for tariff regulation based on long-term tariffs shall be recognized, taking into account the investment element of the tariffs aimed at centralized water system development for guaranteed safe potable water supply to the population. Political involvement and populism in tariff setting for the water industry shall be abandoned. 12. An International Water Academy shall be establish in order to consolidate the international experience, and prepare staff for the water industry. 13. The Ministry of Regional Development of the RF shall be recommended to restore the activities of the specialized Scientific and Technical Council in order to create a bank of the best available technologies for water and waste water treatment, and water system modernization. Èñòî÷íèêè:, |
Last Updated ( Monday, 01 November 2010 ) |
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