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Home arrow Papers arrow Zanosova V.I., Grebenkina D.M. - Digitization Technique to Compile Thematic Maps of Irrigated Land
Zanosova V.I., Grebenkina D.M. - Digitization Technique to Compile Thematic Maps of Irrigated Land PDF Print E-mail
Written by Erkin Turdibaev   
Friday, 24 November 2017
The research goal is the compilation of a thematic map of soil resources for the studied area of irrigated lands. The following was accomplished regarding the research goal: the definition of necessary cartographic material for the studied irrigation area, the development of the algorithms of compiling digital thematic maps, and digitizing a soil raster map using ArcGIS Desktop 9.3 software product. The target of research is the Pavlovsk Irrigation System covering 560.9 ha located in the southern part of the Pavlovskiy District of the Altai Region. Based on the research, a soil map is compiled; the map shows the distribution of soils, their mechanical composition and parent rocks, the position in the site, and the area of each soil type. The process of a digital soil map compilation begins with the preparation of a paper document for digitization, including scanning, and gluing together the scanned files based on map quality. The georeferencing of a raster image is done by the ordnance-datums in the site using the ArcMap “Georeferencing” module. When being digitized, an image file is used as a base to create vector shp-files polygons, points and lines. Each geographic feature of the map is accompanied by a table with the information on its georeferencing, characteristics and data from external sources. The print features are added using the “Assembly” mode. As a result of graphical recognition of soil polygons, the main soil types are identified on the studied irrigated site. Special maps of saline, eroded or waterlogged soils may be added.

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Last Updated ( Friday, 24 November 2017 )
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